The Art of Growing
As February is the relationship month, let’s explore some thoughts about the most important of all love (and hate) relationships: One’s relationship to oneself. I recently shared the following quote on the Ragi Center Facebook page: “When you’re in a dark place, you sometimes tend to think you’ve been buried. Perhaps you’ve been planted. Bloom.”
Now, that is an awesome quote (by the way, I haven’t found its original creator yet; when I do, I’ll give the author well-deserved credit). But what does that mean, “bloom”? How does one bloom? In my opinion, blooming means finding a way to get out of the comfortable, hidden darkness of the dirt and coming into the light. Growing, evolving. It means discovering who your authentic self is (or is meant to be), and becoming just that; the very best version of your completely fulfilled self.
But how does one push through the dirt to reach that complete state of fulfillment? I happen to believe that it starts with accepting where you are. There has to be a balance between aiming to become your best self, while at the same time appreciating and loving who you are right now. Because right now you are the best self that you can be; and you’ve done a lot, gone through a lot, learned a lot to get here. You’ve been preparing to take that proverbial leap.
Complete self-acceptance, combined with a healthy dose of self-awareness, can serve as the springboard that will help you break through those boundaries and reach for the skies…
Are you ready?
FINAL THOUGHT: Yes, authenticity is the buzz word for the new times, and there are many who are already getting tired of hearing it. Well, I say that it’s still far from being used enough… We can all stand to become more authentic with ourselves and those with whom we share our lives. I hope this fad endures!
© Gisele Marasca-Vargas; 02/26/2019
Photo by face-design. meliora on Pixabay